Sunday, February 23, 2014

My Opinion on Highly Controversial Topics

Before I go any further, I must warn the reader at this point. These opinions are extremely biased and some may find them offensive. Read at your own discretion.

Here we go.

-I believe that toliet-paper should be should roll out over top and not under bottom, as some people believe.

-Those tiny, rectangle band-aids are worthless. (Too big for a tiny cut, too small for anything else.)

-Titanic was overrated

-Snuggies don't really work, they always fall off and the sleeves just end up covering your hands when you try to do something.

-I'd rather sit on a freezing cold toliet seat than a slightly warm one

-The first guy to try drinking milk wasn't weird or crazy, just desperate.

-Obviously the egg came first... or maybe it was the chicken because how could an egg just appear…maybe the egg evolved from single-celled organisms and a chicken came out…. Never-mind.

-Kim Kardashian talent of having no talent and making money off of it is unfair. (Why not me?)

- Each pair of socks must have one sock that is some kind of sentient life-form, bent on escaping and disappearing forever.

- In my book, Pluto is still a planet

-Also in my book, Tomatoes are still vegetables

-Bacon isn't that great.

-Stop saying "Faith in Humanity Lost" every time you see a slightly idiotic post online. (Seriously, if you can give-up on the entire Human Race just because one person said "Swag", then you need to work out your issues.)

-Aquaman is a great Super-Hero. Thanks to him, the good guys basically have the sea under their control.

-Informercials are pointless. I have never been motivated to buy something because I saw it on T.V.

-"That Post" can not, and did not, give you cancer

-They shouldn't let everything that is technically a "Sport" into the Olympics. (Seriously; Curling, Race Walking, Grass Hockey, etc.)

-The air in bags of chips is to prevent them from being reduced to crumbs before they're even on shelves, stop complaining.

-It doesn't matter how full the glass is.

-Global Warming caused by pollution? What pollution ended the Ice Age then?

-I know that the black water melon seeds won't grow in my stomach, I'd just rather not eat them.

-Twerking was invented by an elderly man who was prone to seizures

-Hi-fives are weird. You hurt someone else's hand because they did something good.

-Frozen Yogurt is basically Ice Cream infused with bacteria.

Last but not least, Cats, contrary to what the internet and seemingly everyone on the planet might think, are not that cute.

There, I said it.