Sunday, March 9, 2014

Random Pun

Yesterday, for no reason whatsoever, I was thinking about chemistry and a pun popped into my head. The beginning goes like this-

What did the dentist say to the chemist who had a weight problem?

What follows this opening, the punchline, is (to be modest) the single most ingenious thing that has ever been written by any human being since the beginning of time. When said correctly, even the most cynical of cynics will say,"I see what you did there." (Which is the phrase most pun artists strive for). It is a perfect pun as it can be interpreted in several different, logical scenarios that all make sense, which is what a pun must do.

Another real quick disclaimer, if you don't know chemistry, you won't get this pun. Alas, that is the pain of a pun professional, to find a clever joke that can be enjoyed by all people, despite their background or knowledge. I guess, now, I must retract my previous statement, this is not the perfect pun, this is only the closest anyone has ever gotten to the perfect pun.

So, without further ado, here is the partly-perfect pun.

What did the dentist say to the chemist who had a weight problem?

"I can help you reduce your molar mass"