Wednesday, February 12, 2014

*Hilarious Jokes

What did the turtle say to the other turtle?
                           "We're turtles."

What did the gorilla say to the other gorilla?
                            "We're gorillas"

What did the pony say to the other pony?

                            "I'm a little hoarse"

Why did the carpenter get sent to timeout?

He didn't chair with others

Why couldn't the author deliver newspapers to the neighborhood?

It was the Writer's Block!  

Why did Sally fall of the swing?
Because she had no arms.

Knock Knock!
"Who's there?"
Not Sally

What did the medieval pope say after his morning jog?

"My legs are on Friar!"

*Carter Niedert takes no blame for the jokes written. All jokes read are read at the consent and own peril of the reader. Hilarious content not guaranteed.

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