Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Boring Story That Doesn't Have a Point

It was seven in the morning. I hit snooze on my alarm clock. I stood up out of my bed.

I was still very tired.

"I should take a nap." I thought to myself. "But I can't take a nap now, I just woke up." I agreed with myself and went to the kitchen for breakfast.

I wondered if I should eat cereal or make scrambled eggs for myself. On one hand, eggs were easy to make, tasted good, and were good for you, but on the other hand, cereal was really easy to make. My lazy side chose cereal and I ate my bowl of frosted squares sitting on a stool in my kitchen in silence. I still wanted to take a nap.

I finished my breakfast and got ready for work. I decided that I should wear my blue tie because I had worn the red one yesterday. I congratulated myself for my memory as I scrambled to find my misplaced keys. I found them next to my bird-watching book (a week ago I had caught a glimpse of the red-speckled sparrow) and went out the door.

I drove to work. Traffic was horrible and I got there thirty minutes late. I spent eight hours doing menial labor for medium pay and then I went home. Traffic was horrible and I got home thirty minutes late.

I opened the door, took off my work clothes, and sat on the couch. I turned on the T.V. and watched until I realized that I was really tired. I turned off the T.V. and then I took a nap.

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