Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Deep Thought #1

This thought just popped into my head one day, "Life is 100% Work." That's kind of an abysmal statement, (okay, more than just kind of) but it has more than one meaning. As a human being, you're destined to an entire life of work (a life of constantly searching for food, protecting yourself from predators, and long hours of work). Recently, technology has changed this principle. People are now able, through technology, to push away some of their work. This has a downside though, the resources that these technologies consume cause the work to be pushed into the future.  If people from Sudan and Somalia began to enjoy the same luxuries that people living in developed countries have, then the world would shortly run out of all its resources. Eventually, as the world population swells, there is going to be a lot of work in the future to ensure the survival of the planet, as well as the human race.

Solution: Those who have a lot need to give up a lot for the people who have nothing. Otherwise, once the people who have nothing get something the people who have a lot won't be able to get as much.

Sooooooo Deeeeeep!

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