Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Key to Being Happy!

The key to being happy is to believe in yourself and never give up.

Haahahahahahahahahahahhaahaahahhahaahahhahahahahhahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahah… ahhhh.

But Seriously, being happy is such a weird statement. To be plain and simple, no one can just be simply "happy" for no reason (unless you're high, but I wouldn't recommend that either). In order to be happy, one must be happy because of something. The real question is: What can I do to make me happy?

The way I see it, you can only be truly happy when you're having fun with friends (or complete strangers), helping others, or accomplishing something.

Who, honestly, could play a one-player game forever and be happy? Football would be kind of depressing if it was just one guy running around, wishing he had friends. Some games, especially some video games, make you feel happy because it gives you the illusion that you're accomplishing something (I just saved the world! I made a castle! I won the Super Bowl!).

Who, honestly, couldn't be happy after they just finished building a house that they could live in? Accomplishing something, even if you just pour a bowl of cereal without splashing milk on the counter,  will always bring happiness. There's a toy company that understands this better than anyone else, have you heard of Legos?

Helping others is also a sure-fire way to get rid of that pit in your stomach on any given day. There is no better feeling than to know or see someone is sincerely thankful for something you did. You don't have to take a bullet for someone to feel like you've helped someone, instead you could do a chore they hate doing themselves or make them a meal (ugh, I hate that word meal almost as much as I hate the word moist).

Hanging out with friends can be a double-edged blade (wow Carter! Nice metaphor! Thanks, I try my best). If you're laughing with each other, playing a fun game, or even just talking, then it's probably going to make you feel really happy. On the other hand, if you're breaking the law with your friends, chances are your not going to be happy (either right then or soon).

Not to get too preachy, I'll just say one more thing. Don't trade your future happiness for pleasure in the moment. Often if you go about your day doing things that you think would make you happier in the future than right now, you'll find that something weird happens and you'll be happy all the time.

P.S. It's true that money can't buy happiness, but let's just say that you'd have a lot more fun sky-diving in the Bahama's with your friends than going to a movie with your friends.

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