Sunday, February 9, 2014

What is This Blog You Speak of?

Well, I've tried to blog before (saying blog kind of makes me cringe, maybe because it's usually associated with Cooking blogs or Book blogs or some other third frilly type of blog.)  but it didn't work out too well. That's one reason why I've started this blog. This one will have basically anything I want to write at the time, kind of like a diary (However, instead of writing my thoughts on a page never to be seen or read again, I'm putting them online where at least I know there's a chance that someone might read them).
Also, The internet seemingly has a tendency to make any random person with a computer, let's say, filthy rich. (Which doesn't motivate me in the slightest.)

I can't think of anything to add past what I've said, so hopefully this will have interested you enough to keep you reading.


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